God desires that we have a
balanced walk with HIM. When we do, we remain upright and steady!
In Webster’s Dictionary, the definition of BALANCE is an “even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to remain upright and steady.”
In Webster’s Dictionary, the definition of BALANCE is an “even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to remain upright and steady.”
Wouldn’t it be nice to take
advantage of a balanced life that enables us to always remain steady and
upright in Him?
Between long hours at work,
running to get the children to or from school, or undertaking a home
improvement project, it is often easy to feel that there is just not enough
time in a week to get everything done. When you find yourself in a rut or rat-race,
you are not alone. Often the pressure we
feel when our lives are imbalanced, is because our days are often too full, and
void of achieving more important things.
Luke 10:38-42, unfolds a parable of two
sisters Mary and Martha where one chose ‘busy’ness and ‘getting that one more
task list checked off’ mentality over worship and sitting at Jesus’ feet. One
sister, more concerned with ‘doing’ than ‘being’.
Could you imagine the scenario…? Here are two sisters with one
sister Martha consumed with getting her task list complete, while the other Mary
recognizes the Lord of Lords in her presence and stops all she is doing to soak
up and revere the greater one in the room.
While Martha toils from kitchen to the family room, checking on the beautiful
turkey, even laying out the most beautiful setup in the dining room and even finishing
the final touches of a beautiful 3 layered cake from scratch. The audacity, she
feels, of her sister to stop everything to sit at the feet of their special
guest to hear what He has to say! Martha, tasking herself the woman to the rescue
to get everything done will not quit until she feels everyone is satisfied outwardly!
But there’s just one dilemma: while Martha attempts to serve a
house full of guests by herself she whizzes past the living room and catches a glimpse
of her sister, and she implodes! Can you envision Martha’s resentment: How could she
leave me hanging? My own sister! Doesn’t she see even care to see that I am doing
all this by myself?! And that’s
where discontentment is birthed.
If you share that same sentiment, discontentment,
then it’s time to step back and take an account of your life, of priorities gone
The temptation to “control” every
situation in our environment, happens when we do not trust the Lord with our cares,
our loved ones, our possessions, our very life.
When we simply learn to trust, to
follow, to surrender, our life becomes balanced in God- to the point where with
a little practice over time, our yielded life leads to a healthy and balanced
life. Will you choose to trust the Lord that He make your walk upright and
steady? I am.
Pray with me: Father I thank you for being my guide, and seeing the whole picture for my life, even when I can’t. I know when I take matters in my hand, that I may easily take on too much or get out of step with where you would want me to be! I ask that you redirect my focus, my eyes, and my heart. Thank you today you assure us in your word, in Matthew 6:25-34 that as nature even coexists with us you take care of every aspect of it without it having to toil to be cared for. I give my discontentment, I give my anxiety, I give myself back to you in exchange for your grace and strength right now in Jesus’ name. Amen!