However, I could remember it almost
like yesterday I could not find that one sandal… again! Just a couple of years earlier,
I misplaced a beautiful set of formal black heels my husband bought me. Never finding
them, I vowed I would be more careful going forward in putting my shoes carefully
away. However, on this day, searching
all over the house, having just returned from our vacation from Virginia, I was sure,
I must have slipped them off under the bed having arrived back late at home. Searching
under the bed frantically, then in my closet, I let it go for a few days until
I remembered that I wanted to wear them again, though I still had not located
So, days later and then weeks later
when I wanted to wear these new sandals (that I just bought this year) once again tried to
locate the mysteriously missing sandal to my new pair! I searched under the bed more carefully this time around, then in
my closet, next downstairs, then to every kid’s room, in the shoe bins of each
of my kids’ rooms, but still could not find it. I even went so far as to
call the rental car company we rented the van from to travel out of state to
see if maybe it was in the van that we returned. After they confirmed that no lost and found
sandals were left in any of the rentals or lost and found, my husband insisted
that I just buy another pair of the same shoe.
However, in my own stubborn way, I
wanted to wait again to search the same areas around my home. And I must admit
without exaggeration, I had repeated this search in the most detail way at
least 10 times to no avail of finding the matching shoe.
What was it in me that did not want
to give up on this one sandal? I can
only imagine it must have been like the Lord and the parable of the one lost
sheep in Luke 15:1-7 or the Prodigal Son in Luke 15:11-32, each having
significant and unique value more than what appeared to the eye.
Those during Jesus’ time on earth understood that when
a sheep wandered, the overseer was left with no other choice of recourse but to
search until he found it. The thought was not “if”, but “when” He would find
it. The safekeeping of the remaining ninety-nine was secondary to the priority of
saving the one.
But for me it wasn't even about
having to spend more money on another set of shoes, it was more about finding
that one sandal that I knew I should have kept in my possession. It had only
been a few months earlier in my haste of things I had similarly misplaced my
diamond ring something of great value that slipped off my finger given to me by
my husband over 22 years ago. Likewise, I frantically searched going back to each
store I visited that day. Surely it must have slipped off my finger while I was
lifting and lowering cards in the Hallmark card holder section of the store. To
no avail I struggled for days and tried to remember where it could be. Pacing the
parking lot, our house, and my car, I reflected more than anything not
over the monetary value -though worth a great price, but the sentimental value of
what that ring meant to me that I began to mourn over. Thankfully one of my
sons discovered, soon after, my treasured wedding ring that lay safely in the
middle of our upstairs hallway where it must have slipped off!
I realized reflecting back, that we as
human beings have truly been made in the image and heart of our Lord, for the very fact that we
hate to lose something of great sentimental value. In other words we will stop
everything, our routine of the day no matter how big or small the priorities
lined up, to find that item that is special and precious to us. Even if we have
the option of easily replacing it with another, our goal is all too often to find THAT
lost item.
Once again, I'm reminded of how our
Lord must grieve when one of his own goes missing- when we go missing in
action, individually pull away from Him- much like on a much smaller scale we sorrow over losing a sentimentally prized ring or become frustrated at the misplacement of a favorite new shoe.
The Bible speaks of how we are just like sheep,
because we too have all gone awry. Yet God, in all His great mercy, goes on an exhaustive
journey to seek after the hard-hearted that has wandered, to mend His
loving relationship to the one who has turned away. A humbling endeavor? Yes.
But God comes not only as our Lord but as our loving Shepherd.
Jesus’s mission here was to “seek and to save that which is lost,” a role that highlights our very lives the moment He found us in our initial lost state. And the reason we have this same heart to not give up on something lost, is that this seek and find responsibility is an inherited trait as well as built into our DNA. That grace I have discovered is the same grace that we have been entrusted to demonstrate to others...even those who may have betrayed and hurt us in the past. Though this epiphany began with a lost sandal and continued through my losing and finding my ring, I am learning that to be filled with the Shepherd’s love and have His heart; includes me actively seeking the Lord and through that heart actively seeking out the lost, scared, and stubborn hearted in people who have turned to their own way.
Jesus’s mission here was to “seek and to save that which is lost,” a role that highlights our very lives the moment He found us in our initial lost state. And the reason we have this same heart to not give up on something lost, is that this seek and find responsibility is an inherited trait as well as built into our DNA. That grace I have discovered is the same grace that we have been entrusted to demonstrate to others...even those who may have betrayed and hurt us in the past. Though this epiphany began with a lost sandal and continued through my losing and finding my ring, I am learning that to be filled with the Shepherd’s love and have His heart; includes me actively seeking the Lord and through that heart actively seeking out the lost, scared, and stubborn hearted in people who have turned to their own way.
I'm reminded that His love is so
great, that he still seeks after us even when we don't seek after Him! I'm
reminded of his unfailing grace and mercy, when we mess up over and over again through a weakness or shortcoming!
How much more can we be children of God that remember the Lord, in those times when we
are tempted to pull away!
I purpose in my heart to draw close
to Him today, as He always seeking for us to have a greater/richer relationship
back with Him.
Would you agree with me in prayer?
“Lord I Thank You for Your unfailing
Grace. I thank you for your undying love that continually pursues and persists to
seek after us…. after your own. That you desire to, guard, guide, and provide for us in every way every day. I pray that I would continually to recognize that great treasure I have in my active relationship with you. Keep me close that I not take
lightly the pursuit that I am to have in you. I pray that I would press in even the
more when circumstances are not going my way. I desire to know you in all that your ways. I choose you in my heart, and I thank you for your matchless love and grace that only you can provide through your precious Son, in Jesus'
mighty name!” Amen.