Wednesday, March 25, 2020


Life can be tricky.

However, just when I think I have it all under control, life can throw yet a trickier curve ball!

I think we can all identify with life’s curve balls right now.

It causes me to pause and wonder in our weak moments if God is paying attention.

Have you recently made plans, valuable plans, changed plans, gave up on plans, or re-made plans all to have them changed again?

In the last couple of weeks, though I’ve had NO ability to predict the near future, or plan even the near distant future, in these unpredictable, unbelievable moments, at the same time, when I have lost all sense of control, I have been presented with an incredible opportunity to trust once again in an infinite God who has never lost, always been, and is still in control!

He believes in us, even when we stand on shakable ground, to remain unshakable!

A God who challenges us to believe in the face of unbelievable times, to have faith during a time for many who would deem hopeless.

Being thrown into whirlwind of questionable circumstances, trials, setbacks, and yet still be challenged to hope against all impossibilities! Could it be that easy? To possibly be so intently focused so much on what we consider to be bad, that we miss actually noticing the good?

Though it is not easy, I am purposing in my heart to focus more on what matters most during these trying times.

To remember those things that are good,
Be thankful for those things that truly will last…

And when I am tempted to lose focus, I am purposing again to pray Philippians 4:8 (ESV)
Finally, whatever is true,
whatever is honorable,
whatever is just,
whatever is pure,
whatever is lovely,
whatever is commendable,
if there is any excellence,
if there is anything worthy of praise,
think on these things.

And when I am tempted to be tripped up again, I purpose to be reminded of this, “As a man/woman thinks in his/her heart, so is he/she!” Proverbs 23:7

Lord help me to continually be renewed in my mind from your WORD!
That my thoughts would become your thoughts.
That I would learn even the more to rely less on my own understanding, my own limited scope, my own doubts or line of questioning, and instead choose you today.
I choose your your promises today.
I choose your Word today.
 You are greater. You are almighty. You are in control.
Lord, I thank you - that the daughter of a lion is still a LION! 
Lord, you alone are enough. 
I choose you and love you. 
In every way, every day, in Jesus Name.


Looking at yourself can be a big surprise when you begin to open yourself to the possibilities. ON AIR NOW

Monday, March 9, 2020

5 Core Values that are essential to me at 51.

Another Birthday has come to pass! I’m so thankful at 51! As I have turned another year, I wanted to share 5 areas of my life I am valuing more and more! With 5 representing the # for Grace and 1 the # for Oneness, I am thankful for the oneness with God and His purpose for my life. \0/

So here goes! :)

1. Time. The more  I venture on this path of life, the more I am valuing my time. I realize it is not in being everywhere, involved in everything; but in making time for those things that matter the most, having priorities... Time is of utmost importance to me and I realize that we all have been ultimately given a measure of space and time to fulfill our God-given mandate on this God given earth.... and so it is with urgency and priority that I do it expediently (in His timing) and excellently! I have a good portion of living behind me now.  Therefore, I don’t have time to waste. Instead of being about many words, I’m now even more diligently about my Father's business- doing, and in so, believing in action over talk. If not now, then when?

2. FIT.  Being FIT, but when I say FIT not simply being physical FIT. ...(Focused Investment over Time). What matters most is Focusing Investments over time in my faith on God, my family, and covenant friendships. Being FIT- spiritually 1st - whole as an individual then in my roles as wife and mother, then emotionally and physically, in order to fulfill my God-given purpose in the utmost way during this season. And ultimately, in essence, I believe- a healthy person (who is a whole person),  produces a healthy life, a healthy life produces a healthy lifestyle, a healthy lifestyle produces a healthy family, and a healthy family overflows to fostering a healthy community around and beyond.

3. Wisdom. I am in awe at how much the Lord's Word is and has been applicable over my life!  Now enabling me to make wiser choices at this stage and age. Not because of anything I in myself that I can boast, but because of life's experiences, whether good or bad, with the hardships and the lessons the Lord has instilled in me as a result. A surrendered life to the Lord ....over time matters, and can be one of the most enriching and rewarding spiritual classrooms to life's lessons we can learn from.

4. Authenticity. Moreso than the accumulation of wealth, or things, or how many people I can have around me, I value nurturing more and more now authentic relationships, friendships,  authentic connections, TRUTH. Quality over quantity. Authenticity matters to me so much  in a world that oftentimes masquerades something it is not.

5. Legacy. What will my life speak of me when I am gone? To my children or my children's children? To my immediate family and my extended family? My aim is to live a life worthy of His calling and to encourage as many others that I can to do the same while there is time.

I am so THANKFUL as another year has arrived, and would be remised if I did not acknowledge these valuable moments the Lord is working on the inside of me! \0/

Philippians 3:7-14
7 But whatever were gains to me I now consider loss for the sake of Christ.
8 What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ
9 and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ—the righteousness that comes from God on the basis of faith.
10 I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death,
11 and so, somehow, attaining to the resurrection from the dead.
12 Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.
13 Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead,
14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. \0/

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Nothing is Impossible with God!

Nothing is Impossible with God! 
That statement alone stands true by itself. Period!

But the scripture goes on to also add if you believe.

Nothing Is Impossible with God! If You Believe.
“If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.” Mark 9:23

Why so? Because I truly believe that God knew that since the fall, He would be dealing with believers who are imperfect. 

Believers who at times are unbelieving within their circumstance, falling prey to doubt or fear, or questioning.

Believers who at times may procrastinate, stumble, become distracted, therefore needing that reminder from His Word nevertheless.... though we know that Nothing is Impossible with God, we are still called to believe!

Even for your particular situation, whatever it may be, you are called to still believe in agreement with His Word. It is not enough to just know- to have the mental assent that “nothing is impossible with God”, but we are called to actively walk in agreement in full faith of aligning our lives to Him and His promises for this manifestation to be evidenced in our particular life situation.

Consider Abraham and Sarah! A man without any children called to be “The father of many nations”, the man of faith he was called to be, the mighty example for us, at one time falling prey with his wife to doubt in their old age, God’s promise that they would produce a child  - well into her years, during a time that many of us would naturally be barren too! According to Genesis 11:30, Abraham’s wife was barren even before they came to the Promised Land. “Sarai was barren; she had no child.” This was not merely coincidental. It was planned by God. We know this because in Genesis 16:2 Sarah said, “The Lord has prevented me from bearing children.” So, God even put in place circumstances that would make the fulfillment of His promise humanly impossible.

This is where the ‘if you believe’ would be handy. Abraham and Sarah ‘knew’ with God all things were possible, but in a brief moment was not in full continual ‘belief’ and as a result, for their situation it produced a child Ishmael after she ordered her husband to take one of her Egyptian slaves, Hagar, to conceive with her instead for a child to be born upon becoming impatient and doubtful, instead of believing in faith with her husband for it to happen between the both of them as God promised.

How serious is that!? But the awesome thing, even though Ishmael was not the promised child, God was speaking about, he still had a plan for his life. In Jeremiah 1:5 NIV, God says "Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, before you were born, I set you apart...." 

We serve a compassionate God who uses our broken pieces, our mistakes, and our shortcomings to bring about change in the world.  

So even from their missteps, or better yet- our missteps, did you know our best days are still ahead of us?

The world has not yet seen the best of you.
You are God's masterpiece, the apple of His eye.
No matter the mistakes you've made, God's arms are always wide open to return to Him.

The Bible even says in 1 Corinthians 2:9 NKJV, "Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”

God told Hagar, "Ishmael will become a great nation," and that was fulfilled. Ishmael’s twelve children are considered to be the ancestors of the Arab nation. (In Genesis 25:13-15) 
When King David ascended the throne in Israel, he asked, "Is there anyone left of the house of Saul to whom he can show kindness, for Jonathan’s sake?" Yes! Mephibosheth may be crippled and abandoned, but God hasn't forgotten him. The King sent for him, and here is a seemingly, forgotten, abandoned child dining at the kings' table. God's grace will always come looking for you, no matter how insignificant you think your life is. As it is in the Bible, it is so true God’s promise is worth waiting for, and even if you have taken some wrong turns, or made some mistakes or poor choices, be reminded that God can still use it all to bring about a change in the world. God can still use your 'alternatives.'  ~Daily Devotional Bible Plan

And even yet STILL despite the mistaken judgement of Abraham and Sarah for a moment, God still brings forth HIS promise to Abraham and Sarah, Isaac a child of promise….

The difference? Abraham tried to make an heir for God’s promise by the human initiative, that is, out of flesh (Ishmael), but God said, “No! Heirs of promise come into being through supernatural, divine intervention. Just as we who in the flesh are imperfect, God chose us as heirs of God’s covenant promises. That is how you became a Christian.  Through faith in HIS promise. Nothing that we can boast of in ourselves. Our boast is only in HIM! Hallelujah! \0/

What a reminder today that God can use even our frailties to show that even though we may sometimes not be found in His perfect will, that He will even allow his permissive will to be a teachable moment and redeeming factor.

In other words, when we take wrong turns, or we are afraid, or we may delay following the Lord with a whole heart when reminded of our pasts; though there are consequences, it doesn't mean there we are ultimately a failure for good! It just means that we can fall forward, I will even go as far as say ‘fail’ forward! For though we may stumble, as long as we get back up in HIM, we can learn from our mistakes and live to see another day victoriously in Him! \0/  AND at the same time, they too were reminded of this very powerful principle: Nothing Is Impossible with God! If You Believe.

I am encouraged by this that through Christ I can experience God’s GRACE- God's Resources At Christ 's Expense... not as an excuse to willfully sin; but as a means to get back up and truly grow and be transformed more into HIS image… each and every day, and learn from my mistakes. So that I can do better next time around! How about you?

My Prayer Today: Lord, thank you for your unmerited favor! Thank you for your grace! So many times, I am undeserving of it, and recognize truly I am such an imperfect vessel that you through your covenant promise, allow to serve YOU who are our perfect creator. Thank you for reminding me today that your grace, and your mercy is sufficient.

Your Word is enough!
Your promise is enough!

Lord, simply YOU ALONE are enough!

I don’t need another thing, person or reason to validate your Word! 
You have shown yourself true through your finished work on the Cross! And I thank you that though a foolish man may stumble into ruin, you say in Proverbs 24:16a, “For a righteous man falls seven time, he will get up….” 

Thank you, Jesus, you got up, that we too can get up and live our lives in accordance to your Word. I thank you and receive of the finished work of our Lord, not to strive against your Word to be in control, but in a life of surrender and humility to walk agreement!
IN Jesus Name! Amen.