Have you ever been between caught between a rock and a hard place?!
I know I have!
Especially in the year of COVID19, with so many unexpected twists and turns, and upsets what would "normally" be another year, day in/day out has been a year to reckon with, to say the least.
With the only thing remaining the same is change; determining whether we can attend events, school, jobs, remote versus in person, loved ones experiencing unforeseen sickness and even death, it is a wonder that we are still here in a state of peace or for others simply still standing....
With many experiencing emotional upheavals from family members who are not as strong to 'keep it together' in disconcerting times, ones situation can keep the best of anyone guessing from one day to the next what their next steps will be!
However, even in the midst of discovering what will become of our lives or having to adapt to the continual barrage of announcements on our livelihoods from one day to the next, it is so refreshing to know that in an ever-changing world - we serve an unchanging God!
As a flower pushes through unforeseen ground, even within the most unforeseen of circumstances our Lord will keep us from falling and present us above each situation as it presents itself as he speaks of in Jude 24.... I am even more determined and encouraged that I THROUGH HIM can and will keep the press IN Him. \0/
My prayer: Lord take away every blinder, every area that would be hidden to us that would keep us from trusting you in unforeseen times from us. Lord thank you that we are reminded through your Word that we serve an all seeing Father who's Omniscient, Omnipotent Omni-present -Emmanuel, God with us!....who is our Alpha and Omega and who knows the beginning from the end!
I pray we your people would allow You to continue to take us by the hand on today, to lead us and guide us into all things that are pure, true and of good report -according to your will, your goodness, your plan in Jesus mighty name! AMEN.