"LORD, Make me Whole."
What does it mean to be a “broken” person?
I believe it is a growing awareness that we- alone -apart from God are empty. It’s a recognition of our need for God and His intervention in our lives.
In Ephesians 2:1, the apostle Paul talked about our brokenness in terms of being “dead in [our] transgressions and sins”. The answer to our need to be forgiven and changed comes in verses 4 and 5: “Because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, makes us alive . . . it is by grace [we] have been saved.”
God is willing to heal our brokenness with His grace when we admit, “I’m broken.”
What areas on today do you feel broken over or feel deficient about or lacking in?
PRAYER: Father on today, I ask that you would infiltrate our lives. Where we have tried to fill it with things, and people apart from you; help us to look to you in these moments and realize you are the only thing that can satisfy, that can fill us, that can truly heal us from the inside out.
We invite you in, to be our Lord and Savior over our day, over our decisions, and ultimately over our life direction. We entrust our destiny back into your loving hands, because you ultimately are in control as our sovereign Father.
In Jesus Name I pray!
Amen \0/