Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Drawing Near to Hear.

“Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” (James 4:8)  What do you need to do today, this week, to actively choose your relationship with Jesus over the many important and busy tasks that call for your attention? He longs to bring that freshness to your soul!

Make a choice to become active in pursuing God afresh. Actively choose to spend time in His presence, to expose yourself to music that inspires, to turn off the TV, to invite Him into every decision, to ask Him which fruit of the Spirit He wants to cultivate in your life today, to pray in a quiet space and not just on the run, to listen for His voice, to read his Word and not just a devotional book, and to ask Him to teach you.

Many of times, it is impossible for our physical bodies to exist in its healthiest form if we are not investing physical foods, nutrients, vitamins, minerals and water, and the rest it needs daily to be restored, renewed, and healed of the days activities.

Just like we are unable to operate in our greatest spiritual potential, if we are not investing seeds of God’s truth, the washing of the water of His Word, and the place investing in moments of quiet rest to be renewed and restored in His strength – over our own. 

Therefore, we must choose to make the right choices actively and daily - He will be true to His promise! He will come near and refresh your soul. Then you will once again have that fresh lunch to place in His hands to multiply and to work a miracle today.

If I could a pray a prayer with you today, “Father God, thank you for each person You have brought into your Kingdom.  Thank you for each of their specific roles in the Body of Christ. Give them fresh bread in their times with You so that they will have the freshness of Your truths overflowing in their hearts. Give them insight, by the power of the Holy Spirit, to speak and to do just what the souls around them need so that they can be drawn on in their journey to You.

Bless and protect each of the members of the family of God. Draw them into quiet places to have their own hearts refreshed with the simplicity of Your truths.  Give them divine insight in the powerful name of Jesus. Amen.

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