Have you ever said, I can’t wait until this spiritual test
is over, or I can’t wait until summer,
or I can’t wait until I find that next job, or I can’t wait for my kids
to be out can’t wait until kids are out of school, or out of their
diapers/pull-ups, or even more so out of my house! Or (you fill in the blanks…)________
--- so that I can be at some next point in my life?
Well Jesus always prepares us for what is on the road
ahead... He says that we should take time to be still in HIS Presence so that
He can strengthen us. It is no wonder that the busier we become, without
spending that valuable time, the more we end up opening ourselves up to
weakness and temptation because we literally need this time to be revived
(renewed back to a spiritual life) in Him...
I vividly remember one weekend afternoon, feeling like I had
to keep the mouse wheel going rushing in from being out, making a phone call to
my husband to give him additional things to shop for while he was at the store,
while I also made another phone call to my mom while opening a big can of tuna
for a tuna salad until dinner was done. Not really focusing on what I was
doing, I told the person to hold while I put the phone between my ear and
shoulder and then proceeded to finish opening the can of tuna. Voila! All was
well until I set the tuna can down and proceeded to stir in the relish and mayonnaise
and noodles, and knocked my bowl into a now empty flying can of which I
proceeded to catch with my left hand. VOIL- OUCH! What had just happened?
I was staring down into two of my fingers, my middle finger
you could almost see clear to the bone. The can I just caught by its jagged
top, also just caught me! OUCH! I
proceeded not realizing how bad the cut was to rinse my hand until all I could
see was white flesh in my finger and a big gaping hole of skin. I had my son
call his dad as he was doing the dishes meanwhile I asked my son what he
thought. As he looked over my shoulder in a matter of fact way as he so often
does, he said, “Yep, you are going to need a good amount of stitches.”
I then replied, “Thanks Howie!” as I proceeded to cry.
Eventually I called over a sister from our church who happened to be a
registered nurse, who proceeded to confirm I would need to seek urgent care. Of
which I spent the next four hours of my evening in the waiting room…WAITING…on
the nurse, then the doctor and finally back home. All this time of which I had
plenty of time to reflect how I needed to slow D-O-W-N!
Now I am sharing this story to not gross you out, but I do share this story to say that it is so easy to get into a RAT(Rapidly –Accelerated- w/Things) race of doing so many things at one time, rushing through the day from one thing to the next - not really seeking the rest or mind of God in a matter. I was painfully reminded this day and I now have a beauty mark in my fingers, though totally healed - it is much more sensitive than my other hand and is a steady clear reminder through pain, personally, to help me to slow down…..And also to realize that if it does not all get done…..that LESS can often really be MORE! What is your Journey today? I challenge you to enjoy it more and rush through it less! See WHAT God is doing THROUGH your circumstances versus asking WHY while trying to ESCAPE every problem and challenge in life! God bless you today....
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