Every day should be a day of thanksgiving! Whether our day is going great, horrible, or anywhere in between, thanksgiving should be an outworking of our willingness to agree with what God’s Word says about our lives! Not based off of an emotional reaction to our circumstance.
When I first was learning this principle, I saw that
thankfulness did not necessarily change my circumstance (immediately), however
it did alter my attitude or outlook on life while I was awaiting breakthrough
of that circumstance!
1 Timothy 4:4-5 NIV, “For everything God created is good,
and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, 5 because it
is consecrated by the word of God and prayer.”
To me that speaks that everything we go through is
God-filtered. Whether we are learning a lesson from having made a wrong choice,
and reaping the consequence – we can thank God for showing us the more
excellent way to go the next opportunity. Or as it says in the next
2 Corinthians 4:15-16 NIV, “All this is for your benefit, so
that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to
overflow to the glory of God. 16
Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet
inwardly we are being renewed day by day.”
Which to me means that even when we are doing the right thing, and get tired or challenged through obstacles, we can activate our faith to overcome, not as a means of punishment, but as a stepping stone to enlarge us, our faith, and our view over what our circumstances dictate to us at that time.
So often, I can attest to days that have been very
difficult, yet I WILLFULLY CHOSE to have an attitude of gratitude over the
route to doubt and pout. It was not easy at first. However, the more I made a conscious decision each day to make the
‘right’eous choices in God’s Word even when it was not easy, I found my life
becoming more victorious in outlook, faith and personal
What giant obstacle or little hurdles are you facing on today? Are you prevailing over a persistent problem? Or are you
experiencing an inhibited by an unexpected interruption?
Whatever your day -either way – resist the urge to surrender
to fear, doubt, and worry - the weights of this world. Whether you feel like it
or not, speak those things that be not as though they were!
As you speak out loud the opposite of how you feel about
your circumstance, your faith will be activated and before you know it, you
will operate at a whole other level! Hearing yourself agree with God’s ways concerning
your life diffuses the weakness to succumb to self-doubt and disbelief.
Instead of, “I know I always mess things up, so why am I
trying?” I can just as easily declare, “Thank you Lord that I can do
all things through you so I take you at your Word today.” Speaking out loud over your circumstance is not only an act
of YOUR WILL, but an act of your FAITH. NO ONE ELSE can do it for you.
Declare your victory over your misery!
As long as what you declare does not contradict with God’s Word and will for your life, you will become emotionally victorious over your situation, and before you know it you will experience real breakthrough with your situation!
As long as what you declare does not contradict with God’s Word and will for your life, you will become emotionally victorious over your situation, and before you know it you will experience real breakthrough with your situation!
However hard it seems at first, know that an attitude of
gratitude always goes a long way, and keeps our eyes on the one that we should
be thankful to every day anyway!
Thankfully His \O/
That is so true! Always be thakful no matter what!