Friday, January 25, 2013

A Fresh 15 in God!

As we close out the first month of 2013, January, and our intentional pursuit of keeping first things first, I want to encourage you to stay the course- seeking God first in all that you do throughout the remainder of the year- not just January.  Being that in life, it is so easy to get and stay so busy keeping the hustle and bustle, running the rat race.  Trying to keep up with the ‘To Do’ lists. While all the while our precious quiet times with the Lord are stolen.

Therefore, I wanted to encourage you this week and beyond to spend time with the Lord- even if it is just 15 minutes.  What can you do in those 15 minutes? I will call it fresh 15 because in 15 you can be 're'-freshed in the Lord as you follow these simple steps with a genuine heart.

First come with an attitude of gratitude even if it is just thanking the Lord for what He is done in your life thus far.

Second thing that can be done, ask God to give you the strength to make it through your day.  When you feel weak, or just want to be reminded that it is Him that is keeping you, not, yourself. In a society where we have been made to feel that it is weak to admit weakness, and we are taught to be strong, it is very important that we take the time out of our busy schedule as Men and Women of God to ask God for strength!

In summation a Prayer Action Plan can be implemented, as simple as the following:
For the 1st 5 minutes- Thank God for what done. Have a 'Attitude Of Gratitude'.

2nd 5 minutes - Ask God for strength to make it through day. And finally, the

3rd 5 minutes- Thank God for what He is going to do and how you will be victorious!

Visualize and see yourself winning- A winner never quits and a quitter never wins! Victories are not in your own strength but thru power and grace of God ruling and reigning in your life.

And finally, know that it is God who is able to keep you from falling and present you back before Him with exceeding joy. (Jude 1:24) And no matter what you are going through, your best is yet to COME!

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