Friday, October 30, 2015

Be Still And Know I am God…

Be Still And Know I am God…
It is in the still moments of our live that we the most in tune with the inner voice of the Lord. And the good news is the more time we learn to be still even in the temptation of staying in the rat-race of life, the more we will be sensitive of God’s presence with us wherever we are and go.

As a young mom, I often found myself, when my children were all small, loving the challenge of seeing how many activities I could fit in one day. Topping each day with more activities in the next. Day by day, week by week being so busy I did not realize our my entrapment - "busy-ness!" or I call it in Being Under Satan’s Yoke as we say in church.

It was at those times, that I would feel a slight tugging to slow down, to just "be still," but the more I ignored it, the farther away that tug went for quiet time. So much so, that one way or another I would end up paying for it through either ‘burn-out’ or the it affecting my peace of mind or physical-being.

I did not realize that stillness was such a healthy discipline that I would find my source in strength later in life by practicing this same "quietness."

1 Kings 19:11-13, describes how the Lord speaks “Go out and stand on the mount before the Lord.” And behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind tore the mountains and broke in pieces the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. And after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. 12 And after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire the sound of a still small voice. 13 And when Elijah heard it, he wrapped his face in his cloak and went out and stood at the entrance of the cave." 

The same way the Lord spoke to Elijah is the same way He still speaks with us. God always speaks in the still small spaces of our lives. Though many times we may look for it in the big or in the ‘busy’ness of life. It's as if God speaks his most quiet and closest cherished secrets from His heart to ours when our hearts are quieted before Him.  And other times the Lord reveals His presence when we learn to slow down enough to be sensitive to recognize His daily provision and protection about us everyday. It is in those moments that we learn of his peace, experience the power of His presence. So I challenge you as I am challenged daily ….Psalm 46:10, "Be still and know that I am God."
At His Feet.....

Friday, March 20, 2015

Triumph OVER Your Trials! Through Thankfulness!

Every day should be a day of thanksgiving! Whether our day is going great, horrible, or anywhere in between, thanksgiving should be an outworking of our willingness to agree with what God’s Word says about our lives! Not based off of an emotional reaction to our circumstance.

When I first was learning this principle, I saw that thankfulness did not necessarily change my circumstance (immediately), however it did alter my attitude or outlook on life while I was awaiting breakthrough of that circumstance!

1 Timothy 4:4-5 NIV, “For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, 5 because it is consecrated by the word of God and prayer.”

To me that speaks that everything we go through is God-filtered. Whether we are learning a lesson from having made a wrong choice, and reaping the consequence – we can thank God for showing us the more excellent way to go the next opportunity. Or as it says in the next scripture:

2 Corinthians 4:15-16 NIV, “All this is for your benefit, so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God.  16 Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.”

Which to me means that even when we are doing the right thing, and get tired or challenged through obstacles, we can activate our faith to overcome, not as a means of punishment, but as a stepping stone to enlarge us, our faith, and our view over what our circumstances dictate to us at that time.

So often, I can attest to days that have been very difficult, yet I WILLFULLY CHOSE to have an attitude of gratitude over the route to doubt and pout. It was not easy at first.  However, the more I made a  conscious decision each day to make the ‘right’eous choices in God’s Word even when it was not easy, I found my life becoming more victorious in outlook, faith and personal pursuit!

What giant obstacle or little hurdles are you facing on today?  Are you prevailing over a persistent problem? Or are you experiencing an inhibited by an unexpected interruption? 

Whatever your day -either way – resist the urge to surrender to fear, doubt, and worry - the weights of this world. Whether you feel like it or not, speak those things that be not as though they were! 

As you speak out loud the opposite of how you feel about your circumstance, your faith will be activated and before you know it, you will operate at a whole other level! Hearing yourself agree with God’s ways concerning your life diffuses the weakness to succumb to self-doubt and disbelief.

Instead of, “I know I always mess things up, so why am I trying?” I can just as easily declare, “Thank you Lord that I can do all things through you so I take you at your Word today.”  Speaking out loud over your circumstance is not only an act of YOUR WILL, but an act of your FAITH. NO ONE ELSE can do it for you.

Declare your victory over your misery!

As long as what you declare does not contradict with God’s Word and will for your life, you will become emotionally victorious over your situation, and before you know it you will experience real breakthrough with your situation!

However hard it seems at first, know that an attitude of gratitude always goes a long way, and keeps our eyes on the one that we should be thankful to every day anyway!

Thankfully His \O/


Saturday, March 7, 2015

No Worries!

Make it a point NOT be anxious! Choose to see as God sees. Seek Him first in all things versus your own striving or understanding, and the nag of worry will leave you quickly!

So often it is so easy to pick up our cares again to try to fix things, because our natural mind desires to control everything. However, we were never designed to hold worry. There's no place in our physical DNA ever designed to successfully house worry.   Worry infringes on our health, creates chaos and even disrupts our ability to think or act with clarity.

 That is why the Word tells us, “Romans 12:2, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the good, acceptable and perfect will of God"

"Worry" has never been a direct or indirect fruit of God's intended Will!

Yet, over many years, I have often witnessed how people who are good at worrying make great intercessors.  Because the level of concern over a matter can either negatively be used to drain us, OR positively aimed toward the face of God in faith and praise to see how He will bring it to pass. A spiritual mother, and mentor of mine when I first was being discipled in the Lord once told me, "Wow the enemy of your soul would love to trap you here, because the Lord is actually calling you to be a very powerful intercessor! She encouraged me that once I learned how to challenge that same drive and energy that I put in what could go wrong, and learn how to put faith in God into what can go right, I would be an unstoppable force against the darkness that was trying to come against me, my family, and my faith!

Plus, we reap when we choose to live in "God's Will" placing our trust more in Him over the fear of a problem!

That is why in John 10:4, it states, "…... Ask My Spirit to give you this discernment... My sheep know my voice and follow me wherever I lead."

When we learn to distinguish between the voice of the Lord versus distracting detractors – such as inner conversations of doubt, and the outside expectation of others - we will be able kick confusion from our lives completely.

It is time to recognize the unique journey God has called us each to, and that can only happen when we tune out the noise of the world in order to remain sensitive to Him.  More than what we desire, the Lord desires our yieldedness to Him that He can be our true and continual companion along the way when we open our hearts for Him to speak into our lives every step of the way!

Would you pray this prayer in agreement with me? "Lord Jesus, I ask that you would help me to become the woman of God you are ultimately have called me to become. I realize in so many ways, I have compromised the calling you have on my life by circumventing the process of learning how to abandon my strength for yours--to trust you completely. Today I turn to you. I trust you. I ask you to once again not only be my Savior, but I invite your Lordship into my life. I invite your direction, your protection, your guidance, your Word, your wisdom in the matter. When I am unsure and uncertain of your heart in the matter, teach me once again to be still and know that you are God. When you speak to advance forward in faith in the face of the unknown or when I am fearful, help me to forsake all other reservations that arise from my own inadequacies. To yet do it afraid with the saving knowledge that you are there to catch me every step of the way. I pray now, in Jesus Name! \0/"

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Walk OVER The Circumstances Of Life!

Jesus promises in Jude 1:24 (AMPLIFIED VERSION)
“24 … keep us without stumbling or slipping or falling, and to present [us] unblemished (blameless and faultless) before the presence of His glory in triumphant joy and exultation [with unspeakable, ecstatic delight OR JOY]—every time, He presents Himself a very present help in the time of need.”

Isn’t that so true of our Savior?  When difficulty, distress and discomforting circumstances try to distract us, we can encourage ourselves in the Lord knowing HE is an ever present help in the time of need- if we place OUR trust upon Him.

When we acknowledge the Lord in ALL of our ways, we rise above our circumstances, and we can find comfort during the daily deficits that happen in life.  In order for us to reign on a regular basis, though, our circumstances cannot and should never become or be our focal point. When we find ourselves succumbing to our problems…we should call on the Lord, and when we do; He is faithful to raise us up! - everyday in every way! 

In Matthew 14, there is an account when Peter steps out of the boat, walking on the water to Jesus.
As Peter gazes upon Jesus, he weightlessly walks upon the waves of His situations.   On the contrary, when the tide of turmoil takes over he becomes terrified of his circumstances as his attention shifts, and he submerges under the ginormous waves of adversity. Instantly, upon wailing out to Jesus, Jesus answers.

Rescued back inside the vessel, the swirling threat ceases, and "those in the boat worship Him and say, "Truly You are the Son of God." (Verse 30-33)

How we cope with difficulty affects, not only us, but those around us! Who is in the ‘ship’ or better yet, fellow-'ship' with us?  How are we responding? Are we people who are reactive to our circumstances at a moment’s notice of discomfort, or are we proactive looking to the Lord, while looking for ways of pointing others to the Lord?

I am convinced that the validity of our testimony is most effective with those nearest to us.  My prayer is that my spouse, my children, and my children’s children witness the distinction Jesus creates in my life, specifically when situations are not so secure….. “Lord, be my STRENGTH!”

May the Lord’s hand speak louder than our own hand in any given matter! And may the focus be our faith ON the Lord, versus our faith in fears and frailty!

Purposed today in every way to keep my Mind clear, and my Heart given over to our Ever-Trustworthy Lord!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Engaged and Empowered!

The Word promises that as we engage in the Word, we can be renewed in our mind. However, the issue becomes when our thoughts flow freely, we may find ourselves moving toward the problems... (getting) snagged on a given problem. However, a renewed mind is one that is focused on the solution at hand not the problems of the past or the worries of the future! That is why the Word encourages us to train our minds... to know that He is always present... He also promises to illuminate (reveal his thoughts) to our mind.

How quickly we can forget the obvious...that HE has always been here, HE will always be here, and that HE is HERE, right now! One of Jesus' names, Immanuel, means "God is with us." Matthew 1:23. I would go further to say that our Lord is, "An ever-present help in the time of need!" Psalms 46:1.
So our minds have always been designed to think, but WHAT we think about is our 'MAKING' or 'BREAKING'! Rather than getting "snagged on a given problem" we can train our minds to "seek Him" in the midst of a situation.

He certainly has the power to "enlighten our minds." Like plugging into a power source we can tap into His Presence! As His presence powers us up, we become transformed and even renewed in how we think, in how we interact with others all of which are encounters of His light, shining through us!
I challenge you to be freed in this thought, Philippians 1:6, "For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus." He is ever present, ever ready, ever looking to love, lead, and live through our surrendered lives! \O/
Simply trust Him on today! \O/

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Are You Striving or Abiding?

God desires a heart completely given over to Him.  Therefore, He looks for US to abandon all of our creature comforts that we often depend upon. Our security should rest in the Lord alone; but when it is not, and misplaced in either situations or relationships..... He actually will use ways to remind us, appeal us and entice us back to Him- one stride at a time.

When God places us in this process, He also withdraws certain affections and crutches from us that obstruct our growth in Him.  It may at times feel pretty uneasy and at other times even painful. However, it reminds me of how a toddler is when they are discouraged from drinking from a bottle or wearing a diaper too long.  In order that they mature, they must be disengaged from these former dependencies to use the more age-appropriate cup and pull-ups. It is times like these that even we, like that toddler, may feel susceptible, weak, or powerless. We often may even fight the change in order to stay in a premature state and maintain what is most ‘common to us’ or ‘familiar’.

Even more, since I am often very engaged in what I do, am more challenged when I am detached from common settings- not because the setting is unpleasant - but because it has become very familiar to me. This conflict often becomes an opportunity for personal development, maturity and ability to see the bigger picture that God desires to do in my life.

Looking back, I have noticed that God often re-orchestrates our journey to a point that ‘what we think we need’ is moved out of our reach to provoke us to step into ‘what we really need’ over ‘what we want’. The ‘UN’common must become a willing option for us, even when we are vulnerable or unfamiliar, that we allow ourselves even when we feel inadequate to complete what the Lord has begun in us in this new state.  NO matter what! We must choose daily whether common or ‘uncommon’, to abide, and not strive in the Lord every day. Over time, if we learn to abide under his covering versus strive in our creature comforts of control, then we can mature from 'striving' to 'ABIDING' with God! I challenge you today ABIDE forward in God. It beats striving in circles.