Thursday, August 9, 2018

His Heart Safely Trusts in Her.

Many a times I have read and re-read Proverbs 31 as it relates to the virtuous woman!

However, recently the phrase, in verse 11 “The heart of her husband’s heart does safely trust in her,” caught my attention in a way it had not before.

What does it really mean when, a husband’s heart safely trusts in his wife, so he has no need of spoil?
Especially, when the world’s assessment of the wife’s role can be misconstrued as a woman gone astray as seen in Genesis 3 with ‘Eve’.

Eve represented at one time or another, everything a man, should guard against in a woman.

In many regards, Eve’s disobedience, naivete’, and temptation to evil, leaves a stain in the minds of many concerning women; so much so that Eve’s reputation, all too often, still reminds people of the potential to be disloyal, gullible, seductive, and driven largely by self-interest.

I could imagine the blueprint of the untrusting wife would be one who would doubt a husband’s every decision, challenging his leadership on a daily basis, exposing her husband’s weaknesses in public, and to the public, while even nagging him privately over areas he has vulnerably opened his heart to her previously about.

Consequently, in a day and age, where husbands and wives don’t even trust each other enough to share bank accounts, or even the use of their most coveted possessions, like cars investment accounts, etc.; the virtuous woman caused even her husband to trust. He trusted that she would act discreetly, promote his best interests while absent, in such a way, that he would have no unforeseen need of worry or sense of wastefulness! In other words, he would not have to fear that he would lack or lose out in any way!

Moreover, a virtuous woman was the type of wife, a husband could invite along not just as a partner in marriage, but also a confidante, manager, steward, and nurturer of all the intimate details within the home, with full trust in her while he  was away from home,

If we as women choose to be honest, open, accountable, with how we run our households, and serve our husbands as unto the Lord; we can ultimately be the type of wives who serve so well that while we run the home, we can champion our spouse to feel like he is the king over his palace!

In other words, my husband should not have to feel the threat of betrayal, denial, or rebuttal while he entrusts to me the order of business of the home. 

Today, I choose to be that Proverbs 31 woman. How about you?

It goes on in Proverbs 31 to speak in detail about how the Proverbs 31 woman goes about her day as that virtuous woman. Would you join me today as I pray Proverbs 31 as a personal declaration?

Lord as I embrace your Word, empower me even the more to be that Proverbs 31 excellent wife who fears the Lord, where:
11- The heart of my husband can trust safely in me, and he will have no lack of gain.
12- That I will do my husband good, and not harm him, all the days of my life.
13- That I would be resourceful, diligent, and work willingly with my hands.
14- That I would be like a merchant ship; that provides food and nourishment for all those who would visit our home from near and far.
15- That I would rise while it is yet night and equip my household for daily provision.
16- That I would make wise decisions in my acquiring of things, and that I would be fruitful in what I sow through my word and actions.
17- That I would walk in the Lord’s strength and not my own.
18- That I would see the value of what is in my hands, and that I would not be weary in well-doing. 
19- That I would remain focused.
20- That I would reach out my hand to those who are less fortunate and to also to those in need of assistance. 
21- That I would not fear what storms may come my way, or over our home, because our home is covered by the Lordship of Jesus.
22 That I would dress myself daily in the richness of God’s Word by speaking it over myself and clothing myself in the confession of what God has already declared over me.
23 That my husband can safely know that his name will remain honorable as he is known in the community, and among other leaders, because of the honor I shower him with and because of the good I speak of him.
24 That I learn to be able to do much with little and benevolently share with others from my overflow. 
25 That I choose Strength and Dignity as my clothing, and consequently that I choose to have a joyful outlook over my future instead of a fearful one. 
26 That I open my mouth with wisdom, and that I teach kindness because it is the Word that I choose first to reside in my heart and in my daily confession.
27 That I am present in the moment within my household and that I do not go MIA (missing in action) to the distractions of the world or idleness.
28 That my children rise up and honestly know that we are blessed; my husband also, and that he would honestly be pleased by how I serve in the home.
29 “Many women have done excellently, and additionally Lord I choose to surrender all to you too that I also would excel today as that virtuous wife.”
30 Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but I choose to fear and revere you Lord for you shall be praised!

In Jesus’ Name!


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