Friday, July 4, 2014

Letting Freedom Ring - Happy 4th of July!

In the US, so many families are all about celebrating independence and national freedoms! Though we have gained a lifetime of independence celebrated via our national flags, parades, patriotic songs and fireworks that fill the night skies- it is equally important that we remember our need to acknowledge our DE-pendence on an ALMIGHTY GOD!

As Christians, we are not only called to be citizens within our community, but representatives as citizens of Heaven -responding to an almighty God through our worship, our celebration and through being a Witness of His Work that has given us a new found spiritual freedom. John 4:24 states, “God is spirit, and those that worship Him must worship in the Spirit and in truth." When we worship the Lord in spirit and in truth, we join with the almighty host of heaven who are continually before throne of our Lord ... worshiping Him!

 John 4: also goes on to state, "Yes, the Father wants such people to worship Him….
On today, I am reminded of the great spiritual work the Lord has done in my life – breakthrough in me, my family, and those people who are attached to my life. 2 Corinthians 3:17 also states, “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. (another translation reads... "there is Liberty!")

We have great reason to celebrate and something eternal to sing about! Think of it!
I implore you today and everyday, in addition to celebrating our national freedom, don’t forget if you have given your life to the the King of Kings and Lord and Lords, celebrate the spiritual freedoms awarded us through the sacrifice of our Savior, Jesus Christ. He is more than worthy of all the honor, glory, and praise due His name!

His Finished Work on the Cross was the greatest Work that we can witness! (On any day, not just the 4th!)

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