Friday, August 15, 2014

Becoming Secure in Christ! \O/

The Lord creates us with a great capacity to know Him and enjoy His Presence... Many of times when people do not feel that the Lord is close or with Him, it often is because their focus has not been in the Lord.  However the more we focus on His Presence with us, the more we can fully can enjoy life.  When we choose to glorify Jesus through our taking pleasure in Him...we proclaim His Presence to a lost and watching world.

When I was first starting out as a 17 year old in the Lord and even later in college, I often spoke of how God delivered me from the void or sense of emptiness I had in my early teens…. Although I was popular in high school and involved in many different clubs and events, I never felt complete. I sought the approval of man over the knowledge and approval of God. I lived for an audience of many, versus an audience of 1 (God). 

When we all look close enough, we all have, what I call a "God vacuum". Meaning ...we each are divinely crafted to "experience, know and enjoy (God's) Presence." However, when we do not get to know Him intimately as He is to be known, we mis-direct that attention and our feeling of need to people - having unrealistic expectations of people that was never designed to fill that void or need of completing us.

Allowing His Presence to fill my thought-life means... I am inviting Jesus into every thought and I am intentionally using my mind to glorify Him; to enjoy Him, to focus on Him... no matter what!

I want to challenge you to let your security be found in Christ today. As Isaiah 26:3 states, “You will keep him in perfect peace ...whose mind is stayed on You( God): because he trusts in You(God).

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