Wednesday, March 25, 2020


Life can be tricky.

However, just when I think I have it all under control, life can throw yet a trickier curve ball!

I think we can all identify with life’s curve balls right now.

It causes me to pause and wonder in our weak moments if God is paying attention.

Have you recently made plans, valuable plans, changed plans, gave up on plans, or re-made plans all to have them changed again?

In the last couple of weeks, though I’ve had NO ability to predict the near future, or plan even the near distant future, in these unpredictable, unbelievable moments, at the same time, when I have lost all sense of control, I have been presented with an incredible opportunity to trust once again in an infinite God who has never lost, always been, and is still in control!

He believes in us, even when we stand on shakable ground, to remain unshakable!

A God who challenges us to believe in the face of unbelievable times, to have faith during a time for many who would deem hopeless.

Being thrown into whirlwind of questionable circumstances, trials, setbacks, and yet still be challenged to hope against all impossibilities! Could it be that easy? To possibly be so intently focused so much on what we consider to be bad, that we miss actually noticing the good?

Though it is not easy, I am purposing in my heart to focus more on what matters most during these trying times.

To remember those things that are good,
Be thankful for those things that truly will last…

And when I am tempted to lose focus, I am purposing again to pray Philippians 4:8 (ESV)
Finally, whatever is true,
whatever is honorable,
whatever is just,
whatever is pure,
whatever is lovely,
whatever is commendable,
if there is any excellence,
if there is anything worthy of praise,
think on these things.

And when I am tempted to be tripped up again, I purpose to be reminded of this, “As a man/woman thinks in his/her heart, so is he/she!” Proverbs 23:7

Lord help me to continually be renewed in my mind from your WORD!
That my thoughts would become your thoughts.
That I would learn even the more to rely less on my own understanding, my own limited scope, my own doubts or line of questioning, and instead choose you today.
I choose your your promises today.
I choose your Word today.
 You are greater. You are almighty. You are in control.
Lord, I thank you - that the daughter of a lion is still a LION! 
Lord, you alone are enough. 
I choose you and love you. 
In every way, every day, in Jesus Name.


Looking at yourself can be a big surprise when you begin to open yourself to the possibilities. ON AIR NOW

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